The Surfers Choice, Since 1989

3 Locations 410-524-8500 Account

6'0 ACID CAT 32.34L
by AJW

  • 6'0" x 20" x 2.48" 32.34L
  • Basically –  this design originated from “STAB” magazines very 1st airshow at the WACO wave pool… They invited all the Best ‘Aerial’ surfers from around the World to showcase who could land the Craziest maneuver on a Surfboard…

    1 of those invitees was Matt Meola of Maui, Hawaii.  At the time we had never met nor shaped him a board… yet he ordered 3 boards as he was going to test a batch of different shapers boards at the pool prior to the event.  HIS only requests: NEEDS to  GO FAST + Extra POP, while hopefully stable enough to recover smoothly.

    What we came up w/was a 5’5? slightly flatter semi fuller  nose for a shortboard was a twist of our Xstump. increased the volume on the front foot for stability and a dropped the tail rocker more similar to a fish rocker below 2?… added soft forgiving rails combined w/ deeper concaves…

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